How to stop consuming alcohol?

How to stop consuming alcohol?

Stumbled upon this page looking for how to get rid of alcohol addiction? Who is it for? For you or one of your loved ones? Is it substance dependence or alcohol? Mmm… ok, no more questions. Let's help you find the way out of this blankness without wasting a moment.

The very thought, of how to stop consuming alcohol, is the first sign and step toward sobriety. A person who wants to break free from substance dependence would only think about it. You have already taken that first step, that's why you are here! Walk along, we will guide you to the next steps.

Urges urgh

Stay grounded when these sneaky urges come out of nowhere. It's hard not to pay heed, but keep reminding yourself what's waiting for you on the other side. Practicing mindfulness with deep breathing exercises, meditation, or taking a brisk walk can break that thought and keep you away from reaching out for a drink or a drug.

Routine reshuffle

If you have a habit of taking a glass of wine with dinner, a beer while watching television, or even a celebration means opening a bottle of vodka, it's time to switch your routine to a more sober one. Go for an herbal tea rather. You can choose some other hobbies to do while watching TV.

Future awaits

Don't forget that a healthier and happier life awaits you. Visualize how would it be when you are full of energy and enthusiasm, and how many hobbies and plans you canrealize. Positive thinking is a powerful tool to keep you driven. Never lose track of your vision whenever you are tempted to drink.

Booze buddy - Ditch him

Drop that booze buddy who likes to give you company while drinking. You don't need their camaraderie anymore. Have someone who can partner with you in your healthier goals, the one who motivates you and stays motivated. A sober buddy can be anyone who supports and encourages you to beabstinent.

Let your creative juice flow

Channelize your energy into something inspirational or artistic. Take out the old sack where you had dumped your creativity before treading into this darkness. What was it? Painting? Writing? Bring it out and start again. Even you can write your progress or paint what are you going through right now. It will give you a medium to express yourself creatively.


If you feel you need support from an alcohol addiction medicine, go ahead. There are several medications and supplements to help you out. There are herbal means to stop drinking as well as nashamukti ayurvedic medicines. Take support from a medical health provider to manage any withdrawal symptoms.

Progress Report

Keep a journal penning down how you're feeling, whether it's a good one or bad one, whether are you facing any challenges, and whether are you near to winning. Seeing your progress, personally jotted by you, can be truly motivating and keep you resolute.

Pat your back

Treat yourself when you reach a target you have set. A weekly or a monthly target can be remunerated. It can be a new book or a day trip as a treat is a treat. Stay motivated to meet the next target to get treated.

Knowledge is power

Read about the effects of alcohol on your body and mind. Do you know what the signs of liver disease are? Have you heard about drug withdrawal syndrome or substance dependency disease? Learn the science behind why alcohol is an enemy in disguise. The more you know, the easier your transition.

Awkwardness! What's that?

It's not others who decide whether you have a drink in a social situation or not. You are the decision maker and don't be afraid to say, “No drinks for me please.” Believe us, nobody's ego will get hurt and most people will admire your decision. It may happen that somebody would ask for your guidance on “How to stop consuming alcohol.”

Thumbs up for personal care

Quitting alcohol or going cold turkey is a big deal. It may require great care and sometimes may call for medical attention. Eating well, good sleep, relaxation time, and personal care are important. Staying on track becomes easier if you are physically and mentally at your best.


We believe that these steps will help you bid goodbye to substance abuse. If you decide to quit alcohol or drugs by taking help from medications, consult a physician before starting it even when it's an herbal nashamukti medicine. Patience pays off in a way that you haven't imagined. A life full of energy, laughter, and happiness awaits you. Go clinch it